Git 修改已提交commit 的 message

偶然发现之前某次 git commit 中message单词拼错了,作为完美强迫症患者,当然要找方法改之。

git rebase -i允许对一些commit的整理和修改。如果对最近的三条 commit (或者其中的任意一条)进行修改:

git rebase -i HEAD~3


git rebase -i $head

指定某次 commit头文件,则可以对该commit 之前的commit 进行编辑。随后编辑器里出现文件:

pick 2d1a960 an into to the website
pick 651c530 ignore and delete public dir
pick 67547b4 reset number of list posts to 8 in zh page

# Rebase 1cd4b97..67547b4 onto 1cd4b97 (3 command(s))
# Commands:
# p, pick = use commit
# r, reword = use commit, but edit the commit message

前三行列出了可以修改的 commit,每个提交前都有一个命令(默认为 pick)指定了作何修改,pick修改为reword来编辑 commit 的 message。

edit 2d1a960 an into to the website
pick 651c530 ignore and delete public dir
pick 67547b4 reset number of list posts to 8 in zh page


Stopped at 2d1a960... an intro to the website
You can amend the commit now, with

	git commit --amend 

Once you are satisfied with your changes, run

	git rebase --continue


git commit --amend

第一行即是 commit 的 message

an intro to the website

# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
# with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.


git rebase --continue

完成了修改某 commit 的 message,最后强制push到远程仓库完成本次任务。

git push --force

需要注意的是,对于多人协作的git 库,如果commit 已经 push,那么就将错就错,修改commit可能对开发者引发混乱。


Bioinformatics, R enthusiast. Thoughts on reasarch, personal experience and other distractions.


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